Your Move-In and Relocation Guide for Lancaster, PA

There are so many great reasons to choose Lancaster, PA, as a place to live and do business. With its low crime rate, affordable lifestyle, excellent health care, and diverse cultural options, Lancaster is a community that can easily appeal to people of various ages and demographics. However, if you’re planning on relocating to Lancaster, especially if you plan to move your business there, it will be easier if you have a moving to-do list that can direct you to helpful services and opportunities in the area. So here is your checklist to help you plan for your move to your new Lancaster home.

Things to know about Lancaster.

It will be easier for you to plan your move when you have a clearer picture of the culture and location you’ll be relocating into.

  • As theheart of Pennsylvania Dutch country, Lancaster is filled with culture and history and is a popular tourist attraction.

  • Lancaster has much to offer in the way of arts and culture, in a navigable small-city environment.

  • Despite its many opportunities and amenities, Lancaster still has a relatively low cost of living.

  • Housing costs in Lancaster are exceptionally low – nearly 35% less than the national average.

  • Lancaster has been ranked one of the best cities to reside in, in the United States.

How to plan for your move to Lancaster.

The key to having an uneventful and low-stress relocation experience is to have a plan and be methodical about it.

  • Work with a great real estate agency likeAlan H. Cherkin if you need help finding a perfect home in Lancaster, PA.

  • You will want to start sorting, decluttering, and packing well in advance of your move. Give yourself extra time and take it one room at a time.

  • Research different moving services, compare reviews, get quotes, and choose the movers you feel you can trust with your belongings.

  • Take time to prepare your kids for the move, too. You may want to arrange for them to stay with a childcare provider or relative on the day of the move.

  • Arrange to have your utilities shut off in your old home, the day after you move.

  • Take care of your address change with the post office and IRS, and other services, right before you move.

  • Pack a few bags or boxes of essentials so you’ll have them on hand when you need them.

  • Don’t forget to keep important documents and some cash stashed in a secure but accessible location.

If you’re moving a business to Lancaster.

Business owners have a few extra boxes to check if they’re relocating and taking their company with them.

  • If you have not yet registered your company as an LLC in Pennsylvania,find out what you will need to do to accomplish this.

  • Establish a budget for moving your company.

  • Make sure you have announced your move to all clients and collaborators.

  • Arrange to have your business items and inventory packed separately from your personal belongings.

  • Change your business address with the post office, IRS, and financial institutions.

  • Notify your business insurance provider.

  • Schedule to have any business utilities turned off.

  • Make sure your data is all backed up and protected, and your tech equipment ready to travel.

  • Update your website and social media.

How to settle in your new Lancaster home.

Moving is just the first step. The next is settling in, getting comfortable in your home, and putting down new roots in your new community.

  • Introduce yourself to your neighbors.

  • Enroll your kids in one of Lancaster’s excellent local schools.

  • Explore your Lancaster neighborhood and check out different shops, restaurants, and other amenities.

  • Find medical professionals in the Lancaster area, for your family’s healthcare needs.

  • Join some community groups on social media and in person.

  • Find out about any local regulations or tax codes that could affect you.

Lancaster is a wonderful community with a lot to offer both guests and residents. So even if it takes you a little while to feel at home, once you do, you will be enthusiastic about the many opportunities available to you. And thanks to its business-friendly environment, Lancaster will also be a great place to settle if you’ve brought your business along in your move.

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